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Trump is frustrated about his mounting legal fees as probes into Trump Organization heat up, report says

Former President Donald Trump is frustrated over mounting legal bills amid two ongoing New York investigations into his business, according to a report by the Daily Beast.

Earlier this month, The New York attorney general’s office announced that it was conducting a criminal probe into the Trump Organization’s finances and whether they violated state laws. Another civil case launched by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office has been ongoing.

The former president is reportedly frustrated with the investigations because of the possible legal peril they bring and the financial costs attached to them.

One source told the Daily Beast that Trump has complained that the legal bills are becoming “such a pain in the ass.” The former president is reportedly also worried that investigators could drag the case out for years.

Close advisors and Trump’s legal team have reassured the ex-president that they don’t believe he will actually be indicted, two people familiar with the situation told the Daily Beast.

“I told him that he has nothing to worry about,” one advisor said.

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Trump has been very vocal about his feelings toward the New York probes.

After Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance Jr. announced this week that he had convened a grand jury to consider evidence on the case, Trump claimed the probe was a “continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in American History.”

“It began the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, and it’s never stopped,” Trump said in a press release.

On top of this, Trump is still at loggerheads with former attorney Rudy Giuliani, whose legal team continues to call on the former president to pay for his efforts around the election.

According to New York Times, Trump has still not paid Giuliani for his work and instructed his aides not to pay the legal fees because he was upset that Giuliani had not done more to push back against his second impeachment that month.

Michael Cohen, Trump’s former onetime personal attorney, told Insider that the ex-president should expect yet more bad news.

As more documents are reviewed by the NYAG and NYDA, it appears that the troubles for Donald Trump just keep on coming,” he said. “Soon enough, Donald and associates will be held responsible for their actions.

Source Business Insider
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